Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

donderdag 19 augustus 2010

the Twenties: Billy

The Weimarer Republik wanted to be "modern", loans from America boosted the economy: no wonder that Agfa called their new camera "Billy". Bad timing though: the 1929 crash changed everything.

A few years later Agfa brought the "Trolita" camera, with that more "Nordic" name (but in fact Trolit, Trolitur is the "Bakelite" they used).

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Very interesting. The Bauhaus, a huge influence on modern design, started in Weimar in 1919. Even though it didn't have a photography department till years later, a lot of photography was done there. Check out the book Photography at the Baushaus by Jeannine Fiedler.

  2. ...and so much more! Blauer Reiter, Kurt Weil, far too much for two or three remarks, here. And then came 1933...
