The small picture is an old one, but typically mid-sixties: 127 HP3
(eBay!) in the Starluxe and look how good the cheap box and the 45+ film perform. Chapeau!
But of course in this decennium colour-photography became normal. Remember those evenings you had to see àll the slides uncle Herbert made in Spain! So I thought it would be appropriate to put some Macocolor in the 1965 Starluxe II.
30 Years ago I had my share of darkroom-colour: additive/subtractive, positive/negative, Cibachrome, the lot. So why not try it again. 5 Cameras, 2 films (Agfa + Maco), different procedures, a proper test. And here are the results:
Tetenal recommends 38 degrees, 3,5 minutes, but 30 degrees would be possible. Which I did, the first time, fresh stuff, Paterson drums, only turning the spiral around. Well - don't do that: I got stripes, very badly. The 30 degr/8 minutes was o.k.
Two days later, also 30 degrees, but now I shook the drums every 30 secs: no stripes, but a dark red mask. Tetenal's advise: bleach again. Didn't work, alas.
(All 5 cameras were boxes, so both the UCN 200 and the Optima 400 wère overexposed.)
5 Days after that, 5 minutes at 35 degrees and Shakin'Jeroen: great result. Nice colour, bright mask.
Hot-dried the film will curl up, just give it time to cool down: no problem. (Remember: when wet, it's a bit "milky".)
Conclusion: Tetenal Colortec - easy to use, good result, for 2 tenners worth a try. Take the higher temperature and: "shaken, not stirred"
motion is essential! (Put some gloves on!)
Oct 2011: Colortec could be better when older: today's Maco in over 9 weeks old "coffee" was perfect!
(All results: Flickr photostream erwinruys)