Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

donderdag 5 november 2009

Autumn rain 2

...and I love it! Kodak/Nagel Retina II 142, Xenon 2,8 (1938)

3 opmerkingen:

  1. I think you've helped me decide what camera to get myself for Christmas: A retina. Looks like a very interesting camera....

  2. Yes, it is. I got my little folder as a gift from my mother, 40+ years ago. Recently "cleaned" it with WD40 and the Compur is perfect now. The Nagel-Kodaks are the best, but the Schneiders don't have the contrast of the Zeiss lenses.

  3. Well, one can compensate for contrast by the development, and the schneider lens adds to the slightly nostalgic feeling in the images!
