Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

dinsdag 9 februari 2010

One Year Blogger

Next week is full of celebrations: Valentine, Carnival, Olympiad, Birthday, and ONE YEAR BLOGGER! Therefore a rather nostalgic photo from the seventies: a 2x3 mtr collage I made for Vroom & Dreesman. (Smalls: movie Maasproject and exposition sportsfotos Sportzeichnung)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Love the one top left. Immediate reaction was to think of the Cartier-Bresson shot he took of a family by the river. Not making comparisons, just mentioning my first thought. Looks like a pretty big collage.

  2. The "bride" : a movie about Ravel's "Pavane".
    Going into the water was easy, getting her out, and drying afterwards, very different...
