Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

zondag 7 februari 2010

Haps - sunday morning

Not very exciting, but I spent the best week of my life here - 55 years ago.
1916 Ernemann Bob 0, 120 RolleiRetro in this 9X12
Small pic: see comment below

6 opmerkingen:

  1. A sort of 'blueish' cast to the monochrome. Won't ask why it was such a good week!

  2. Sooooo quiet, John. Silence (and sun) everywhere. Saffran-rice, too.

  3. Ha, great panorama, and no visible stitches too!

  4. Last neg on film, on the right is more interesting grass, so I'll go back there and see what I can do for you.

  5. Hope to have some panorama pix myself soon. Got a Holga panorama camera for Chrismas, but I'm still doing exposure tests.

  6. Not for everyday-use, but great for once-in-two-months-FUN. For good exposure: avoid big contrasts in the subject.
