Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

zondag 3 januari 2010

Agifold - Hasselblad

Jeroen used Tri-X 320 (220film) and Ilfotec HC 1+31, I plunged my HP5 in Rodinal 1:50 as usual; we both overexposed 2 stops because snow has to be white.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Jouw uitsnede is beter, voor de diepte is de 5cm niet nodig in dit geval! Hoewel een scherpe voorgrond wel aardig is.

  2. Ik weet het nog zo net niet - van die uitsnede.

  3. Interesting to compare contrast and detail between the two; the 50mm seems the winner, with the 90mm having the old time effect.

  4. Definitely - the AGI is not for landscape I think, more an urban type.

  5. Interesting experiment. I like them both.
    The sharpness and contrast of the 50mm but also the more 'dreamy' structure of the AGI
    Anastigmat. I wonder why it is such a soft landscape with that lens...

  6. Its great for old buildings, because of that softness. Symmetrical lenses like anastigmats have that.
