Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

zondag 17 januari 2010

Addicted to light (2)

Well, this is what "Photography" means to me: light. Subject totally insignificant.

F8, 90 Seconds on... could be FP4, about 1968. But there was nothing printed, no blue flap on the end, yellow back-paper, metal spool; in fact I thought it was HP3 until I saw, on the "exposed"-sticker: FP4. (And, later, on the film.)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Light is the most precious gift of Live, isn't it. The picture of the shirt apeals to stories.
    I like it.
    Here is one of mine, also a gift of the light.

  2. Great lighting with really good exposure. Ideal for the lens/film combo.
