Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

zondag 31 januari 2010

MC Super Albinar

A last - this morning I tested Beb's 28mm Albinar on Giel's Praktica LTL3. 30+ and very romantic.

donderdag 28 januari 2010

Young City Blondes

See also 27 Decem 2009


She doesn't stand out like the Werra, she isn't a beauty like the Paxette and she hasn't even a CRF. She is my worker bee. Always does what I want her to do, fast, reliable. Love at third sight. 1956 ZeissIkon Contina, no Tessar: the Novar is an anastigmat but very, very sharp!

zondag 24 januari 2010


April may be the cruellest month, but January is definitely the

1938 Kodak (Nagel) Duo 620, Tessar 75mm, Fomapan 100 (cut to fit, more or less)

woensdag 20 januari 2010


Well - sort of. On the Rhine, hot chocolate and kirsch, with my Dortmund-nephew. We hadn't seen us for years. Sunny day with childhood-memories.

zondag 17 januari 2010

Addicted to light (2)

Well, this is what "Photography" means to me: light. Subject totally insignificant.

F8, 90 Seconds on... could be FP4, about 1968. But there was nothing printed, no blue flap on the end, yellow back-paper, metal spool; in fact I thought it was HP3 until I saw, on the "exposed"-sticker: FP4. (And, later, on the film.)

zaterdag 16 januari 2010


I think this is very important. (Street-)Photography is not a crime.

vrijdag 15 januari 2010


The CRF-problem (see below) could be a "Russian trick", maybe.
I read a plausible explanation on http://www3.telus.net/public/rpnchbck/zconrfKiev.htm
So: more testing and hoping. (I took a screwdriver today but couldn't reach the crf...)

donderdag 14 januari 2010

The trouble with CRF

My first CRF was the Retina 142. Almost invisible, I had a few Canon SLR's, but admired the principle. Later came the big stuff: Hasselblad - and the Linhof 220, a big CRF. What a lens, Rodenstocks masterpiece, but the CRF still rubbish. And the Argus; problems problems problems.
And then came Kiev. Look at that! 9 Centimeter, bright, fast, easy. Wòw. But why does the lens say the church is on 4 meter? Will I èver get a good, reliable CRF?

1957 Kiev 3A, Jupiter-8 2/50mm on charcoal-hard RR400

woensdag 13 januari 2010

Those little things

An old friend gave me a bag full of Fuji and stuff, yesterday. There was an obscure 28mm Albinar, so I got up early, but my hands almost froze off so you'll have to wait for that. But the nicest thing was a tiny little yellow filter - for my Click! Wow. Thanks Beb!

zondag 10 januari 2010

vrijdag 8 januari 2010

donderdag 7 januari 2010


Helsinki? St.Petersburg? Nijmegen NL! - on very ripe (40+ years) Ilford HP3. (Look at that lovely metal spool.) "Hypersensitive", with some background-fog, but not bad at all. 30+ Years old Hasselblad/Distagon 60mm still going strong and even I didn't slip.

dinsdag 5 januari 2010


The pre-1968 HPS has an old-fashioned London fog. So, next stage: I still have a very old bottle of SWS (= no fog stuff), 5 ml in the developer and it worked! Well, sort of. It's rather spotted, as you can see.
The problem of the two stripes over the film is solved: Kodak/Nagel made the Duo620 a bit too solid. More scouring.

maandag 4 januari 2010

zondag 3 januari 2010

Agifold - Hasselblad

Jeroen used Tri-X 320 (220film) and Ilfotec HC 1+31, I plunged my HP5 in Rodinal 1:50 as usual; we both overexposed 2 stops because snow has to be white.

# In the bleak midwinter...

Vèry quiet sunday-morning. Some Canadians think they are storks, wabbits dreaming of skiing, a scoutmaster with his Hasselblad, a busy wren. Wildlife all over the place!

The "U.S.Zone Germany" Mini REX II tells my 1950 Agifold what to do with HP5. ( #Midwinter: Rossetti - Darke)

vrijdag 1 januari 2010


You can find these little chapels all over Limburg NL. This one is built by students, shortly after WWII, to commemorate their fallen friends. On the first morning of the year I always go there, light a candle or two, think.