Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

zaterdag 17 april 2010

Fast orthochromatic

Yes, it did produce an image, the 1948 Ansco Plenachrome. But as you see, the gelatin ate some of the back paper - don't know how to remove that. As I said below, I don't think film >1955 is still usable. Sad. (See March 26.)

3 opmerkingen:

  1. I actually really like the look of this photo. Maybe the flaws add character, I'm not sure, but it looks great to me.

  2. I like that "sunburnt" ortho red, that 1928 feeling of the Brownie 2A - it's a time-machine!

  3. NOV 2012: I have a set "film of the forties" in my flickr photostream erwinruys: pre-1955 film càn be rather nice! Have a look.
