Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

zondag 5 februari 2012

Назначение Иркутск

Nice weather to test a Svema refill in the tiny Kiev: -5° and rather sunny. The nature in my back-garden is a bit overcrowded, but we're here to test cameras, not to write poetry. And it's a nice morning walk. More Irkutsk? Look below! Больше Иркутск? Смотри внизу! And our other blog / и наш другой блог: http://destinationirkutsk.blogspot.com/

4 opmerkingen:

  1. kiev-30 spy camera from my ussr youth ha-ha ) my friend had it )

    1. For the "spy jobs" at that time I had a Minolta 16. And learned you had to come very close for decent pictures - to close for comfort!
