Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

vrijdag 30 mei 2014

Тасма МЗ-3Л

Lachs bei Starbucks, amarena bei Palatini und die Rheinbahn fuhr mich hin und zurück - Luxus pur, mit 'nem Zehner war ich dabei!

E The Tasma MZ-3L is a positive film as I know well, but I put it over ten minutes in fourties Kodak powders: black. Look on the box: it says: 2 minutes. TWO!

Больше Тасма: flickr photostream erwinruys

vrijdag 23 mei 2014

Тасма Микрат

I tested both Tasma Mikrat 200 and 300, in fifties Pactum.
Both as ISO 12. Vèry high contrast but, or should I say "so", not very "sharp". The 200 is more workable. They are ortho - but not vèry; I used a green filter on this 200 (that number is for definition, not for sensitivity).
Behind the 28mm Albinar at 2.8 and 1/60.

Больше Тасма (и Свема): flickr photostream erwinruys
More Tasma on my flickr photostream erwinruys

zaterdag 17 mei 2014


Die Kamera ist russisch, der Film amerikanisch und der Entwickler Englisch - also bin ich, Holländer, in Deutschland. Düsseldorf - Japantag, oder besser: cosplay tag. OMG Ich hatte mich só gefreut! Gibt es denn keine Mucki-buden mehr in Düsseldorf? Is Sport kein Schulfach mehr?

E The pre 1968 Pactum (opaque dark red) performs well on Tmax100.

woensdag 14 mei 2014

Imperiale S Pan

Imperiale S Pan, Made in Spain.
I think it's Ilford FP3 still going strong after 50 years in my 1949 Argoflex.
(And they used the name of a firm Ilford once bought.)

The mill: Schoonoord, in Alverna. (Label: Mills below, for more...)