Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

vrijdag 30 oktober 2009

Musical paper

...reflecting "De Vereeniging", the concert hall (stunning acoustics) in Nijmegen.

Kodak Duo 620, Ilford Selochrome, Rodinal (see comment below, and little picture)

3 opmerkingen:

  1. I've noticed that you favor Rodinal. I use it also, but mostly use D-76 because I need that for high peed film (ISO3200) and infrared. Any reson for the Rodinal preference?

    Love the building. I assume the pattern was deliberate.

  2. Yesss (apart from some nostalgia). I use 120, 620, 220, 127, KB, 4x6 sheet, 9x12 sheet (and more?) from Ilford, Rollei, Agfa, Efke and Foma (and more? some films are 40 years old!) and with Rodinal I don't need to think. Everything goes in 1:50, 11 minutes.

    The building is a bank - I don't know if they are musical...
