dinsdag 21 mei 2013
The lady vanishes
Spring, this year, is a matter of hours, rather than weeks. So this morning I rushed to the Kö, to enjoy some sun with my doppio.
No Bantam in the colorsnap, 828 is very hard to get, but 1987 AgfaOrtho.
Too contrasty for this idea: I did want the lady to shine, but - well you can see the result.
The Lady Vanishes, Hitchcock 1938
Agfa ortho,
zondag 19 mei 2013
The Pentecostal cross-over
As you know, once a year, in May, I reveal tiny bits of my secret, digital life.
No "tutorial" on bird-photography; I own the cheapest Rebel plus 250mm combination, added some iron so I can handle it with my wrecked hand, put my boots on and start walking in the fields. With some breakfast: apple-juice, cheese.

Nevertheless: I love those hours outside, sun, rain, mud, wet grass.
From top: Godwit, Blackcap, Blue Tit and Robin. The Blackcap reminds me of the late Herman Brood, one of my favourite artists.
zaterdag 18 mei 2013
Built around 1791 in Alphen, later moved to Winssen and now called "Beatrix".
I still had 30 cm FP3, it still didn't rain, so I took the Horizon 202 and made this one picture.
Why not.
I still had 30 cm FP3, it still didn't rain, so I took the Horizon 202 and made this one picture.
Why not.
dinsdag 14 mei 2013
Paalsche Mühle
Most Dutch mills have names, most German mills have not. This one, in Keeken, built 1810, however is called (maybe) the "Paalsche".
On the Fujica ST701 was the Fujinon 1.8/55mm, no filter.
(I know: a lot of mills, lately, but a man has got to have a hobby.)
zondag 12 mei 2013
National Mills Day 2013
...and in the afternoon (look below): different mill, different lens, very different weather. Same Y-filter, though. And yes, when you walk to the left you can make much nicer pictures, but that's not me.
It's the 1857 built "Zuidmolen" in Groesbeek NL, through the GP мир-1.
It's the 1857 built "Zuidmolen" in Groesbeek NL, through the GP мир-1.
Today is "National Mills Day" in the Netherlands, and as there are a lòt of mills in my neighbourhood I ehhhrm... went abroad, sort of.
Mehr, a tiny village am Niederrhein. Not far from the mill below.
In the hail-rain, with a Y-filter on the
Agfa Optima Solitar 40mm, accompanied by a very nice choir of
curlews, lapwings and other birds.
vrijdag 10 mei 2013
More Mill
Click on the label "Mills" below, and you'll understand my interest. They are beautiful, even on scratched 1973 FP3.
I took this one, 1854 built in Donsbrüggen BRD with the Canon 35-70 which cannot take filters, alas: the sky was só wild, this morning.
BTW "Holländermühle" - I never saw one like this in Holland...
zondag 5 mei 2013
May 5: Celebrating Freedom
In the afternoon I took my (failing) Эликон to town, enjoying freedom.
(Well, in my case, "freedom" is more theory than reality, alas.)
FP3 in the not so CM Elikon.
(Well, in my case, "freedom" is more theory than reality, alas.)
FP3 in the not so CM Elikon.
Stadscentrum, Nijmegen, Nederland
Southern Cross
Very nice morning to visit some more mills. Maybe the tourists àre right: we are a land of mills and tulips.
The old one is "the Hope" 1850, originally for bark (leather-tanning), the modern one is (still) made by Southern Cross in Australia.
1973 FP3 in the 1978 Киев with 1978 Юпитер-12 with Orange-filter.
donderdag 2 mei 2013
Als ob er nie dagewesen...
Und zurück zur Drususstrasse, wo alles noch ist wie vor fünfzig Jahren. Nur sind wir, die Bäume, ich, ein halbes Jahrhundert älter. Und war da nicht mal ein Büdchen, mit Eis, und PEZ-Pfeffermintchen?
Ich fahr' nach Hause, der Wodka aus Kazachstan war im Angebot.
Jupiter-12 mit Gelbscheibe auf der Kiev, FP3 in "Promicrol".
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