zondag 28 april 2013
Pinhole Day 2013: the morning
After this night's Malevich, Jeroen proposed some nearby art which we both like.
Very sad the brick-ladies (there are two) are placed in a forest of lanterns and traffic-signs.
Again Fomapan in the Technika, 10 secs exp 10 mins dev.
Pinhole Day
zaterdag 27 april 2013
Pinhole Night 2013: Малевич
Last year: Mondrian, but this year of course a Russian artist.
Even 10 mins exposure and 20 mins in "Rodinal" were not enough to produce a "proper" photograph.
zaterdag 20 april 2013
Today I completely underestimated my 500mm. I was much too close for a picture of our new bridge. But then, suddenly, I saw all those matchstick men, wow! I never had "Bette Davis' eyes", but a bit of Lowry's, maybe?
Sunday I came back with the 70-210 Vivitar 1, to take the whole bridge - but I like the "Lowry" one better.
Both on foggy and scratchy FP3.
Canon 500 mirror,
Vivitar 1
Biezen, Nijmegen, Nederland
vrijdag 19 april 2013
After our nice weekly Russian lesson we tested some sixties HP3 in the night. In the 1954 Москва-2, 30 secs at F8, and 10 mins in "Promicrol".
"Ships that pass in the night": a great snack at Martin's Place, and friendly policewomen on bikes.
Ilford HP3,
Benedenstad, Nijmegen, Nederland
zaterdag 13 april 2013
the 4amproject "howitsdun"
(see yesterday)
So I got up at 3.45, made some espresso + a pennywafer. At 4am the picture. Develop-fix-rins-dry-scanned and published before 5am.
Back to bed.
So I got up at 3.45, made some espresso + a pennywafer. At 4am the picture. Develop-fix-rins-dry-scanned and published before 5am.
Back to bed.
4am project
Tonight is the 4th birthday of the 4am project, and I will be one of those worldwide weirdos who will take a picture of their world at 4 am.
So while I still know what I'm doing I prepare a camera, old flash, big bulb, battery - and hope for the best.
(btw it's a flickr-link project)
AND: April 28 is PINHOLEDAY, don't forget that!
So while I still know what I'm doing I prepare a camera, old flash, big bulb, battery - and hope for the best.
(btw it's a flickr-link project)
AND: April 28 is PINHOLEDAY, don't forget that!
vrijdag 12 april 2013
Old stuff
"De Haag", in Beuningen NL. Built in 1704.
In the 1936 KW Pilot was X.1947 Turapan, too curled even for my (interbellum?) "Trident"
In contemporary "Promicrol".
Beuningen, Nederland
vrijdag 5 april 2013
МИР-1 on Fujica
Today at last the 39>42 ring arrived, and this one, from colombian_supremo, fitted perfectly. For less than $2,-
So I un-glued the "Grand-Prix" from the Praktica, I'll have to clean that a bit, and screwed it on the Fujica. Nice.

Data: 1967 Мир-1,
1972 Fujica,
1973 Ilford FP3
dinsdag 2 april 2013
Ja, war kein Wildblaubeermuffin zu sehen. Kann man ruhig mal probieren.
Das Bild trügt, übrigens. Herrliche Sonne, freundliches Volk auf der Strasse. Ich werf' natürlich noch einen letzten Blick auf den Tausendfüssler, mit der мир-1, aber eigentlich komme ich nur um Safran Risotto zu kaufen, gibt's bei uns nicht.
Zuhause stellt sich heraus dass die ± 70 Jahre alte D-11 immer noch funktioniert, aber jetzt is er alle, schade. Ich zersäge das Kürbiskernige von Terbuyken, harte Arbeit, die sich aber lohnt.
Ja, war kein Wildblaubeermuffin zu sehen. Kann man ruhig mal probieren.
Das Bild trügt, übrigens. Herrliche Sonne, freundliches Volk auf der Strasse. Ich werf' natürlich noch einen letzten Blick auf den Tausendfüssler, mit der мир-1, aber eigentlich komme ich nur um Safran Risotto zu kaufen, gibt's bei uns nicht.
Zuhause stellt sich heraus dass die ± 70 Jahre alte D-11 immer noch funktioniert, aber jetzt is er alle, schade. Ich zersäge das Kürbiskernige von Terbuyken, harte Arbeit, die sich aber lohnt.
Kodak D-11,
Mir 1,
мир 1
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