Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

zondag 17 juli 2011


4DaysMarches in Nijmegen next week. It will rain, but today is great. And look at the girls, working with fujiFILM as if the digital revolution never happened! No phonepics, no partyprinter, and everybody is enjoying it.

With my 1945 Elmar on RolRet100 ( mostly 1/40 to avoid the shutter-problem, a real challenge for this caffeine-addict: never a lungo, always a doppio )

zaterdag 16 juli 2011


Fast wär' mein Name Otto gewesen, aber meine Mutter war dagegen.

1967 War ich zum ersten Mal in Wien, wo heute Otto von Habsburg usw. beerdigt wurde. Mit der Canon FX, 1,8 50mm und ORWO Film! Das hätte ich besser nicht gemacht... Ich fand noch diese 13x18 Vergrösserung (Meopta Belar 75mm); ach ja, die sechziger Jahre...

woensdag 13 juli 2011


At the moment it's rather quiet on my analogue front (while preparing another 120/127 B&W and Colortec batch) but in spite of that I reached this week the 40,000th view on my Blogs/Flickr/Panoramio, so here's a collage of the most visited posts.

zaterdag 2 juli 2011


The 1959 Ferrania Eura is the Italian Click with a twist: the lens can be focused. And (look at the cut-stone step:) that seems to work!
(I'll test the two in the future.)
The sixties Agepe FF I used today had something strange: after rinsing I rubbed a white residue from the back - never seen that before. Otherwise it was fine.