Of all the things I know
I understand almost nothing

vrijdag 21 augustus 2009


Nederasselt. Tiny village, two churches. This one is/was the protestant church, 1804; the entrance, 1934, is very quiet now. And very dark: about 1/3 sec, diaphragm 12,5 (Stolze-scale) on FP4 (=200 ASA when 13 min in Rodinal 1:50) in a whispering Pilot.6 (1936)

zondag 16 augustus 2009


Still communication-problems between me and Robin. What dóes he like? And the greens (not the vegetables) on Fomapan also make me feel uncertain. At least I got my (1976) Sekonic L-206 working. Although the right battery is no longer available, it seems all right after an evening electroshock-therapy on Duracell 2012 (1,5 volt iso 1,35).

dinsdag 11 augustus 2009


My friend Jeroen has a new (old: 1918?) Kodak folding Brownie no 2 Autograph, and I want to test my Robin/Fujitar/Soligor 135mm (1957?). Good reason to walk in the evening-sun. While developing the Fomapan 400 we enjoy a glas of champagne, or two. Photography. Nice.

The picture: Argus C2 + Robin 4,5 135mm, Fomapan 400 in Rodinal 1:50, this is the whole negative.
Little picture: the Kodak, same film. Made by Jeroen van Weert, Imagraphy.


Yes, Rene hàs a fine body. But isn't the other picture much more photograph, summer, action?
Revue/Zenit, Industar-29 80mm on Kodak

zondag 9 augustus 2009

Argust-day 2009

Today Argus-collectors all over the world take their camera and push the button. So at 7.30 AM, eyes still closed, I was walking through Nijmegen with my C2 and the notorious Sandmar 100, loaded with Fomapan400. Forgot to unlock (sleepy) and tore the film but eventually... Well, it wàs sundaymorning, very early for me!

zaterdag 8 augustus 2009

Soligor 350

1971 I bought ( after several Meyer, Komura etcetera ) my first real tele, the Soligor 5,6 350mm. Hfl 240,- even then very cheap. Loose frontlens, hand-diaphragm, but awesome sharpness. I mostly used it with the Canon extender - and the Belar 75mm destroyed it all, more or less, I know now.
This picture ( made by Addy Drogtrop ) does not show "quality". But isn't it just right?

dinsdag 4 augustus 2009


Yes, I am. And I love water. Rivers, rain, swimming-pools. (Wet skin...) In this picture the girl is above the water, more or less. I know, because the camera is a Linhof 220 (1977) with the (Rodenstock) Technikar 3,5 95mm. On TriX PanProf 6049 in HC110.

zondag 2 augustus 2009

the Eighties, Kodak TX, Canon 400 SSC


The 3,5 28mm UW-Nikkor (1980) is to be used only in water. Down there it's a very usable wide-angle, (I never knew the real angle...) nice when you don't know from where the action will come! And the Nikonos SB101 looks stunning!

zaterdag 1 augustus 2009


Yes, I know: this is not art. BUT THE FUN! And alas: not right: the right one should be left. We live and learn...

Iloca, Jlitar 35mm (1951) on Fomapan 400 in Rodinal 1:50